54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

My graphic design teacher told us a story about a past employer

So apparently, they were in a meeting or something and the boss says this

“If I paid you twice the amount of money you make right now, would you work harder?”

Now someone in the meeting says yes, and then our graphic teacher looked at them shocked and knew they were going to be in trouble.

The point of it was to show that you should be working as hard as you can if you are getting paid at all

and therefore, light theme is the best.


1 dollar per year

you didnt give a conclusion, so your not allowed to complain when i give you one

lady didn’t get fired by the way, I think they said they were talked to

but yeah light theme is the best because im not weak

I did

yeah but not a relevant one

it is one

The boss did it to make a point to people

you should work despite being paid, apparently that is relevant to the light/dark theme debacle

if being paid despite amount*

it has nothing to do with that

yeah, so i gave it a relevant conclusion

Not when the topic being discussed was work ethic

why do you think ruining your eyes is good

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my eyes arent ruined.
it isnt ruining my eyes

let’s start a new religion

let’s worship the god of idiots

but light theme ruins your eyes thats the truth