54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

yeah MtGA dosen’t have friends
we have to play it now or never

We in theros for 2 sets?

wait I forgot about one, I think it’s a set with a fuckton of legendary creatures though

I dislike theros cuz its a bastardization of real greek myths.

I like enchantments tho, maybe theros will actually make white relevant again

No friend list wtf

Its not even in beta anymore its an actual game how can it not have a friends list

look mtg is literally the most complex game ever created, i don’t blame them for forgetting to actually make the UI work beyond the actual game

When will you be avaliable next?

In 30 mins?

yeah, I can arrange that

I just got home but i gotta install mtga cuz i uninstall it sometimes cuz my productivity hits 0 when i have it on

Allow me to get the measure of my opponent to begin my analysis of your gameplay which will drive me to victory.

I have 3 questions.

  1. Favourite colour combo thematically.
  2. Fav colour combo aesthetically.
  3. Fav color combo mechanically in standard rn.

Does mtga have the older sets cause I’d build my golem/scarecrow commander deck if I could


Puts in they are creators of UP, Coco, and Inside out

You know you gonna cry watching this movie

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@Icibalus im ready when u r

I’m ready. Let’s go.

Just challenged u

Best of 3

i don’t think you CAN do Brawl best of three?