54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

If I get my 07th Expansion wish list fulfilled I will

I beleive Dream Daddy is 18+

i could be wrong, but it is a dating sim

He can stream in the FoL discord server

It’ll be on Twitch

that title itself deserves the 18+ thing


I can only guess why its 18+

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Higurashi: $46.73
Umineko: $55.98
Ciconia: $39.99

Total: $142.70

This is the price of me streaming this game

To much money no thnx gotta save for a new computer

With 7 of you on the petition that’s merely $20.38 per

I’ve named my price

You decide :man_shrugging:

But spending 1000-1500 for a new computer still has precedence

Then I guess I don’t play it :slight_smile:

How much for the KFC dating sim

I’d throw in a run of DDLC but I’ve already played it so it’s not blind and therefore not worth it

If it’s free I’ll include it instead of DDLC

whats your twitch

KFC is free

Gee I wonder


is it same as your yt