54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What did you expect

but won’t play dream daddy

Yeah that shit sounds gross

Hjaisk do you know of any other weird games we can get orange to play


I thought you liked dark and violent stuff

Orange confirmed as thinking having parents is gross :upside_down_face:


I don’t like dark and violent stuff because it is dark and violent

I like things that use darkness and violence in interesting ways, that make you question things in ways you never would have otherwise

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I am thinking if saying it is worth risking ban

This is why the number one rule of forums is no anime

It’s worth ban

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I don’t see how that is related to the topic at hand

luxy you wont ban me for recommending game right

Remember whatever your about to say can’t worse then insanity posting a picture of a sex dungeon

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Those are anime games aren’t they?

… I’m sorry, what?


That was in a forum mafia game

I have to find it

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Hold on

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No we’re good