54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You falsified my signature, that’s illegal.

Luxy signed it and he represents the authorities, so you have no power here. :man_shrugging:

laws are nothing if you can’t enforce it lmao

Luxy does not have the right to sign a petition for me, don’t drag him into this.

No, you were just so ecstatic about being able to express your desire to see Orange play dream daddy Simulator that you suffered a minor stroke and gained amnesia.

Look at the list, it has your name on it J.

It does not and won’t ever.

reminds me of history class where the teacher talked about how the Supreme Court rulled Andrew Jackson can’t force the Indians off their land and the teacher was like

“Alright you made your ruling, now try to enforce it”.

But you dragged him into it as soon as you started throwing around such ugly words as “fraud”. J… that was really hurtful you know…

I feel like the only thing that can mend this would be the euphoria of seeing Orange play dream daddy Simulator and your signature agrees thankfully.

Wait, did I actually upset you? I thought we were just RP’ing?

You did, you have to sign his petition to make him feel better

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Deeplyyy, it’s okay though J. You can make up for this by putting out the good word! Get as many signatures as you can and we will restore our bond by watching Orange play dream daddy Simulator!

They have already signed it though.

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I did not

Tries to sneak off.

Last maths test ever today wish me luck


Can I take it for you? I like math. Also good luck.

I see you suffer from amnesia too. It’s okay, we have established you’re not alone just like you’re not alone in the desire to watch Orange play dream daddy Simulator.

Goes around the corner.

Hey Solic, do you watch “Zondag met Lubach”?