54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

(Yes distract him)

To sign it in secret? But Magnus that is not necessary! You should be proud about your signature. :partying_face: No worries, I’ve already added you.

Mission failed, we’ll get 'em next time.

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Nope, I hardly watch any Dutch television.

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No, it’s fine, I just need to get my Special Pen.

Your future self went back in time and has already signed it though. You’re good!

The pen was a gift from Calliope. And if I don’t go get it, it’ll make a paradox that threatens all the signatures.


magnus, this was obviously an observation! he was saying that he must have added you already, since your name is on the list, when really that was just your future self


But why on earth would my future self sign it without my Calliope Pen?

simple, you didnt!
its in the future, dum dum, of course you had/have/will have time to grab it before going back!

But my Pen got snapped in two last week…

then… magnus… you mean to say that you didnt intend to get your pen here?

Youre the one with a discrepency!

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Sorry, not sorry.

i spelled it right i just cant be bothered to use the apostrophe


/Steal Petition before fleeing.

Stop right there criminal scum!

And get in my car so we can flee faster.
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Oh you’re right.

Fine, I come willingly.
/Gets in car

/Gets in car as well

Wait guys I want in this car too!

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