54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Love u too

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Okay, but why?

Ijzhsbnsnnd skskdjdndshisjs j jsiajsban

I heard about this thread but I actually didn’t know this was a thing


But first you need to sign my petition actually.

We’re getting close to post 26969

Does the schedule now allow for Jojos to be in signups or no

Petition to actually let Discobot get the cookie this time rather than cruelly snatching it away from her :eyes:

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Wait is there actually a sign up?

Or am I just gullible :eyes:

For what cookie thread. No. I’m asking for my game since another FM finished

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Discobot was so close last time

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Your interest in “signing” has been noted. Thanks for your support!


I’m ecstatic.

This forum is cool Tbh because you can say anything

Not here
we don’t use imperials for anything

Fucking hell which asshole keeps setting off the fire alarm