54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

makes sense as @reaper is bottom reaper

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Jesus xD


can we talk about something else to spam this up above where no one will read it

asdawdasdasdasmd,alps ,áld a sd,asp[odm asopdm asp[do POASL DAPSd


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why do you have CL as your pfp

new hearthstone mode coming out in 10 minutes

whats the mode

I havent played it for months

Battlegrounds, which is basically Hearthstone Auto Chess. Because of course it is.

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ok I should proably check it out someday

This is code for I’m going to pretend that I will when we all know I actually won’t

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I’ve been exposed

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I heard it was terrible though. Also lol at Riot and Blizzard copying each other hard.

Mods should lock this thread

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Ban Firekitten

“When you tear out a cat’s tongue, you are not proving them a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what they might say.”

:hammer: :fire: :cat: :skull:

Imagine a moderator getting a cookie by locking the thread lol.