54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You’re a cat though.


There would be riots.

No, thread would be locked.

Imagine mods deleting posts to get the cookie.

I contemplated that many times

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That too

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There would be a huge silent riot.

Aggressively liking posts

That would seep inevitably into other threads leading to an uprising.

Deleted posts still count as a post in the thread for post count purposes
For example there are not
26522 posts in thread, however that’s the total number of deleted and non deleted posts in this thread

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So if a mod deletes a post they won’t hit the number to get the cookie, since the deleted post had that number

I need to calm down.

Or wind up!

Solic is possessed by a demon

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Just move most posts to a new thread then snipe it

or drunk

Probably both

Okaybyenow next tourist stop xoxo

Tourism is a societal evil