54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I hated heather

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Because the name

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I like the name

You know what heather means?

Heather is just weather but with an h instead of a w

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It’s a heath

oh my god

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look at what you have done.

Yeah isn’t it a plant

The eleventh sin.

I upped the chat and he…
he outted himself again.

Get out.


that’s how mafia works

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Getting mislynched as town is anti-wincon

Getting mislynched as town is anti-wincon

Getting mislynched as town is anti-wincon

Getting mislynched as town is anti-wincon

Getting mislynched as town is anti-wincon
Getting mislynched as town is anti-wincon


It’s my thesis that many players on this site care insufficiently much about getting mislynched (/misvigged/etc.) If you are town, you are a player – frequently the only player – that you can confirm 100 percent as not a mislynch. A lynch on you will NEVER hit scum, and you can be 100 percent confident of that, because you have seen your rolecard and you know your own alignment.

This doesn’t mean you have an obligation to focus on your own appearance specifically, since intentionally trying specifically to appear townie is likely to backfire, but this does mean you have an obligation to (a) actually try and (b) not do overtly scummy things for no reason.


what happens when a PM reaches 10000 messages?

Prob same thing it doesnt show the x/x thing and instead just the current post

Hey one last thing before I forget. Anyone else have like email notifs of like ats and all. Well I did and they suddenly stopped one day. Dont know why.

actually same. Some time after LOTRFM.