54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

remind me why the IRS exists?

Whats that

internal revenue service
they deal with taxes

Lemme check

I think everyone has that? I dunno

Mine is CPF XD

In bad cases we still have the non fol mods too, but yea, if you don’t actively try to break the rules, you won’t get banned.

I am going to their airport first stop Honolulu

dead cookie thread :<

‘Arete you should join MU’

joins MU
first game I play literally ends on D2

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How was it?

I mean, it was fun (if stressful because I Don’t Get MU) but … it was also a 10v3 that ended on D2

shoutout to my hydra partner for putting up with me

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How could it end that early?

Sidenote: Marl was in the game. I’d never played with him before, due to joining this site well after he left, but … I get now why people miss him.


Town had a 1-shot vig

So we lynched a Mafia member on D1

The vig shot a Mafia member on N1

and we lynched the last Mafia member on D2

I find it very frustrating that he never explains his reads. :smile:


Please tell me Marl was mafia.

No, he (and his hydra partner) were the vig.