54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I love Marl, don’t get me wrong though.


Personally I feel like marluxion just locks scums me every game and tries to tunnel me and hopes I flip scum

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Stop being so scummy litten.

no u

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/vote Litten


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I have a weird ambivalent feeling where I miss playing mafia and simultaneously wonder if it’s good to break away and explore other things.


My cat figured out that if you put your paws on the door handle it opens, they never opened the door, they watched me open my room door and tried it on my closet one where they can’t actually open it since it’s blocked

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big brain

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This is a outrage

“Onion Gamers Network”

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My god I didn’t know such a beautiful thing existed!

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One of the most trustworthy news sources out there. Whenever I want to get news, I always go to the onion as I know I’m getting an unbiased story.

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Ah, and one that’s worth the time spent reading it too!

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Needless to say, fans are up in arms about losing the crucial ability to know exactly which Pokémon Center employees and Gym Leaders in the Galar Region have a serious past of indecent exposure, molestation, or soliciting child pornography.


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I’ve committed to reading it now

I’m swirling down the black hole of complete uselessness

It’s too late for me

what the heck are you on about, this is one of the finest news articles out there.

This is a gem right here, but as I keep scrolling I will soon be sucked into the dark side…

I must read more gamer stories