54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

> nightless game
> has to remind people scumchat can be used during the day

now I kind of want to see it

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The chat is mostly just the scum not knowing their teammates.

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Lymphoma tried to bus HTM. HTM was town. They thought HTM was their scumbud.

Magnus was confused when PKR flipped scum(pkr replaced lymphoma)

He also forgot about wazza’s existence and thought he was the sole remaining scum…

When the scum lose when they are brought to 1


Please add me to scumchat I need to see this :eyes:

<ask a legitimate question
<get ignored when you know they probably read it anyway


This chat is a pretty good meme.


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My favorite part is Magnus not realizing that PKR and PokemonKidRyan were the same person



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“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.“

stream blond

I am now in LA

I just got the anniversary badge again

hi now in LA, I’m Geyde


I don’t even have so many complaints today aside from a sunburn.

What is happening?

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You’re happy

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I went to see Iguaca Falls which were awesome like breathtaking view.

I saw a Toucan unexpectedly which was literally everything I wanted from Brazil (even though it was technically in Argentinia xD).

I met some super liberal stereotype girl which was amusing, but we got along great.

I got some souvenirs for me and my bf.

Now having delicious homemade pizza and the waiter is hella cute and keeps smiling at me. That’s literally his job, you fool

I’m jolly, but not ironically.

I’m scared