54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You’re happy. You’re smiling right now.

Stop it. :sob:

You can’t hide from the light.

I’ve been an avid follower of the light theme my entire existence.


T o u c a n

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I wanted to order 2 desserts cause why not and the universe was like N O. or the cute waiter I don’t even need be health-conscious for myself anymore.


They’re my favourite birds.

Sorry ravens

Nooo light theme best theme.

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I know, but the ironic part is that you, a reaper of souls, used light theme

What’s not light about reapers?

Their scythe?
Or is it not heavy?

I work out.

But you have a horse?

No, I float through the sky.

Your pfp is Dark.

That’s a matter of perspective.

Hey solic do you mind if I borrow your scythe for a couple minutes I have a few errands I need to run and it will help out a lot

Yes, I mind.

You didn’t reap them?