54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It clicks after a while, it’s pretty much how Icibalus describes forum mafia with people who play it enough

it’s like you actually feel something change

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I wasn’t joking when I said the meaning of the quote though


Yeah most of the people here who are good in FM are playing it like I 100% despise it… no thanks

do you know why they are playing it that way?

I mean

it’s an open secret

Me and Kyodaz discussed about this a while back

idk? cause it’s successfull, but assholery?


that’s not the reason

most of the people who play this way know that they can still scumread correctly if they didn’t play this way

but they don’t

why priestess?

It isn’t a trick question

It’s a question meant to make you realize how obvious the answer is

no idea what you mean, sorry


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Well let me help you get to the answer

How toxic do you think MU is?

Idk I never visited that site (except for linked guides), I never had interest in

Take a guess

Then I want you to take a guess one what percent of the forum mafia players here are toxic

Idk, toxicity is depending on how lax the moderation is

Do you think it would be more toxic there then here?

Well everyone says the players are better there, and since better plays = toxicity (sorry, these strats are just more successful)…

I mean, you can simply win by making your opponents replace out lul

where is this going?

Going to tell you right now that MU is way less toxic and there are much better players there

If you don’t believe me I want you to check all the game threads right now.

There’s a very simple reason for this. Actually there’s a couple.