54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No its easier to be town in jail than it is to be scum in jail

Its not. Because Im better scum than BD

Im better in fake claiming than in claiming

I did that once.

I can seeif i’m able to bring up the report on me.

I claimed Jailor and alerted.

I’m saying that people aren’t being rude to get a read on others

They are being rude because they perceive a person playing a certain way as rude to them

which is less of a problem on MU because people try hard on MU

I hate that scum meta on this site is basically “not trying”


Batman is toxic that’s for sure

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Ongoing game :eyes:

I’m not referring a specific game just him as a player



Can you give me the access to the chat Insanity the Snuggler has https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-sfol-50-endgame/77175 ?

I kinda want to witness the full glory that is of my power OwO

(this made me laugh)

Even better your teammate is from Australia and their ping is so crazy they are acting in another dimension

If only they were a little to the north that ping would benefit them

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Is it okay to call you hjaisk still

@anon97870008 but yeah

Based on other sites toxicity can be dealt with easily. It just hasn’t here, and toxicity doesn’t have anything to do with skill level.

If you want to be a good player, it’s possible if you work hard at trying to improve. You can do this by being nice to others as well, so you don’t have to be toxic to improve.

You leaving because forum mafia is overly toxic just feels wrong to me because you are blaming the game for the actions of the community.

Toxicity is easy to deal with if people confront it the right way. I was talking to Kyodaz but basically making non toxic games as a post restriction doesn’t work. Toxicity comes from feelings, and feelings get worse when you hide them instead of confronting them in public.

The best way to confront toxicity is to talk it out in private and public because ignoring what is happening won’t make it go away

Youre not just a kitten, youre a full cat

with claws

Still, my mental health is too bad rn to deal with the stress of the forums. But I consider your words.