54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

oh, claiming wolf is a bad reaction test for sure, because it’s a rather common situation so it dosen’t matter if the wolves know you’re wrong or not because they know how you’re supposed to react to somebody claiming wolf

“if I would be Mastermind, these people would be my associates.” You are basically reading yourself, analyzing yourself, when you claim scum.
If you are doing the whole “yeah he fake claimed evil once” and the whole thread is turning around this for almost a day, even when you try to get the topic away from it… you can do a lot of climate-reads on people

Yeah, in the end it’s a reaction test

wolves know how to react to somebody who isn’t one of their own claiming wolf, and new wolves will likely have their reaction come off as genuine

good reaction tests take advantage of the knowledge disparity between villa and wolves by giving the wolves a situation they have to react to that has no scripted response to it

they don’t, at least in my experience :eyes:

trust me, they do
it’s the oldest trick in the book

even town doesn’t know how to react to it

I mean both town and scum has an easy time pushing scumclaimers. With the added disadvantage of well actually being lynched, you might as well build this “scum is” world on other people and gauge reactions of that.

But they always react the same way:

Person 1: “Uhh, did you just claim wolf?”
Person 2: “wtf, why are you lolcatting”
Person 3: “lolreactiontests”
Person 4: “it’s in-meta for them to do that as both allignments”
Person 2: “yeah but it’s still weird”

and variations of the same

Uhhh that’s not how they do it when I do it :wink:

But you don’t know if the other person is town or scum
You know your own alignment tho, so it’s better to do it on yourself

as an example, Panther on MU once posted a statement that would’ve ended with calling somebody v with a sentence that looks like it comes from a wolfchat

implying that he pressed cntrl-v instead of v, and thus pasted his clipboard

this ended up catching out a wolf because it was so out of left field for them that they had no clue how to react and ended up fudging the tone because they knew, 100%, for certain, that it wasn’t real

there’s not a set reaction to something like that, because it’s a very uncommon occurence, so wolves have to think on their feet, and come up with a fake reaction to something they know to be fake 100%

note: don’t copy this test exactly, but this is the kind of method behind a good reaction test

of course, this could be a very good way to discredit Apoc, so i mean

This is even more questionable in multiball too.

Better you get yourself mislynched than to get someone else mislynched
Of course it’s better if noone gets mislynched, lul
Depends on the importance of your class

I can see the point, but I think that in too many cases you’ll just be mislynched and any reads you gained from it ignored, because of anchoring ultimately making it -EV.

no, because the person who was mislynched had a non-zero chance of being a wolf
always choose somebody else over you to die if you don’t have any wolves to kill, which you always should

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Another point that I didn’t like about your play is not giving motivation behind your reads. Namely against me start of old ruins.

If you mislynch someone just because they claimed wolf, its your own fault… or you are evil

Uhhh what do you exactly mean Solic?