54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Thought I could hookwink you for a little bit



I wish I had a car

Watch it past you

I’d cry

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I miss hpm

I want to play extreme chaos filled yelling at eachother games

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hpm was fun

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playing on mu wasn’t the same tbf

Okay in US history class instead of desks we have tables. Tables have two kids at them each.

Me and someone else is in the class is on a table. We pretty much are the people in the class always scoring the highest grades.

So we were doing kahoot to study as a class. Me and Him took this as a competition, whoever got the highest points in it won.

Each time a question appeared we clicked it instantly. We were neck and neck, I was 43 points behind him. Until suddenly one question I answered instantly he had to think about it and then became behind me a couple points can’t remember exactly. The last question had a word that I didn’t know however he did know it. He clicked it instantly.

Looking at the options, I saw that the 15th Amendment was the odd one out. Every other option seemed to try to make voting harder, like a poll tax.

I clicked it and won with a couple points.

Me and Him agreed that it was the most fun we ever had in the class

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no one should dare challenge me in kahoot or gimkit

Many Latin students have fallen for my superior clicking skills with vocab words

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@sulit hear me out

Operation get techno blade to make a video on FM

It’s a stupid idea because none of his viewers will know how to play it


hear me out


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I just hack kahoot And win


But yeah

The reason they are bad is because they actually think longer then they should before clicking

Here’s the thing. In my mind I form a mental link between two words and when I see one word I click the other word as fast as possible without thinking

Don’t think just do

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ah a fellow resident kahoot god.

Me and my freind in spanish always name ourselves matching names because 70% of the time im #1 and he’s #2.

Sometimes it’s stuff like “(kid in our class) failed” and then he is “NNN” or something like that.

Othertimes its “give me” and “head”

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We have a plan

We are teaming up with someone else.

One name is going to be damn

Second is he really is

Then third is black Superman

As a reference

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so it matches up


image https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJXLR2OUcAA4yi5?format=png&name=900x900