54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Good ole time.

@Hippolytus how are you today

“I think that my opinion is VERY GOOD and it is just everyone that does not understand it.” + “Minorities have unfair priority whenever speaking about themselves!!!”
it’s just white het cis men trash
the video literally says it is het cis men trash so I think it is really a parody of that

Good thanks Mr. Cat.

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the comments on this video are even better
That’s not how legalized immigration works.

@edit: from literally the same person

No longer waiting…

I just learned my Latin teacher is in a group of Latin teachers on facebook and they been debating how ok boomer would be translated to Latin

They are divided into two groups.

Bene Senex which means okay old man
Sicilicet Senex which means obviously old man.

The reason they are divided is bene sounds like a positive okay, when ok boomer is meant to be sarcastic and dimissive.

Obviously Old Man sounds really sarcastic in comparison and would be more like ok boomer is used today


I’m going to say bene Senex to someone whenever I want to say ok boomer

Bene Senex


help im turning into a 3/3 elk

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Well how much mana do you know cost?

The thing is most people in my class are dumb and get the answers wrong so I have to count on getting every single answer right instead of thinking about it before I go because that’s the path to victory

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i’m a token
even banning Oko wasn’t enough

Oh we talking magic got it. What’s Oko, been a bit since I last played?

he’s a planeswalker who’s banned from standard
his abilities include turning things into 3/3 green elks, turning things into 3/3 green elks, and having WAY TOO MUCH GOD DAMN LOYALTY

I can save you from being elk

turn ici into 1/1 sheep

it’s too late
nothing can stop Oko from turning me into a 3/3 elk because of how the stack works
you’d have to kill me first in order to stop i- oh no