54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

doodles silently exponation proprieties to prove that -1/2 is log(2) 1/sqrt(2) for thirty minutes

I have invited myself by accident to a party tomorrow

On one occasion in 9th grade music we were taking a quiz on characteristics associated with three musicians (which had been the topic of the previous class)

I couldn’t remember who more than like two of the characteristics went with, but I could remember the physical location of the characteristics on the page in my notes, and I remembered which order the musicians had been in

I got a perfect score


> creates group chat
> names it “marshal’s suprise party”
> leaves group chat


I needed someone to bring me to another state
I went with my friend
but in the way my friend had a party to attend


A Shakespearean sonnet (so, the kind you’d want to be writing if you’re writing in English) has 14 lines, is in iambic pentameter (five feet per line, each foot is weak-strong), and follows an ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme

shall I comPARE thee TO a SUMM ers DAY

aw fuck it’s shakespeare

he can suck my dick

i hate him with a passion

I mean he is not the only person to have ever written a sonnet

I mean historical evidence does suggest he was bi

That sounds like historical revisionism to me

this just in bi people were invented in 2014

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Regardless macbeth wasn’t half bad @Ami he isn’t that bad

did you have to read midsummers night dream fucking three times and annotate it

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and taming of the shrew

No we only did Macbeth and Julius Caesar

fuck shakespeare

hot take: Shakespeare’s comedies are mostly eh

his tragedies are really good

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comedies bad

tragedy goof

Hot take

I didn’t come here for english lesson lets change topic