54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

: undertale remover

My eyes
My actual fucking eyes
I cant feel my eyes

I didn’t realize what was wrong with it first till now cuz my desktop is almost the same

What the actual-

Shurian has never seen such bullshit before


It’s like the guy who put the desktop icons in an arrangement that looked like a man’s private parts

And then the tech support just sees it and is like “where’s the word doc”
And locks the thing so everything goes into place instead of overlapping

“No my (ahem)”

“Now I cant find my stuff my powerpoint used to be on the bottom left ball”
“The hell am I supposed to do my work now?”
Puts screenshot of previous desktop arrangement and deletes all icons

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I just found a wallpaper of my favorite Rokugan feature I’m so happy

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I cant understand why u post those randomly

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There’s no need to! There’s no real reason for why I post things at times

Like this one


:gun: no


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Insert Creative Name 13 Players


Mafia have a factional kill that they can submit each night. They may use this along with their other actions.

Mafia have an anti claim kill, they can submit a post at any time that contains a person softing/claiming their true role. That person will die right away.

If you are visited by an De/activator when you are deactivated you will become activated. If you are visited by an activator when you are activated you will become deactivated.

You will not receive any notifications unless you are visited by the activator as mafia.

Days last 48 hours. Nights last 24 hours.

Lynches are plurality-majority. Majority is disabled D1 and is re-enabled D2 and onwards. Votes are locked during LYLO.

You will not know if you are deactivated/activated. Mafia will know if they are ever activated.


1 Town De/Activator
1 Town Activated Roleblocker
1 Town Activated Doctor
1 Town Activated Vigilante
2 Town Deactivated Roleblockers
2 Town Deactivated Doctors
2 Town Deactivated Vigilantes
1 Mafia Activated Roleblocker/Deactivated Disloyal Mass Effect Roleblocker
1 Mafia Activated Doctor/Deactivated Loyal Mass Effect Doctor + Strongman
1 Mafia Activated Rolecop/Deactivated Mass Effect Rolecop.

Roles Explanation

Town Doctor-Heal a person each night. If you are Deactivated this will do nothing.

Town Vigilante-Kill a person each night. If you are Deactivated this will do nothing.

Town Roleblocker-Roleblock a person each night. If you are Deactivated this will do nothing.

Town De/Activator-Revert a player to their Activated/Deactivated form.

1 Mafia Activated Roleblocker/Deactivated Disloyal Mass Effect Roleblocker-Each night Roleblock a player. If you are targeted by an activator then you will roleblock every non mafia player each night until you die.

1 Mafia Activated Doctor/Deactivated Loyal Mass Effect Doctor + Strongman-Each night heal a player, you may target yourself. If you are targeted by an activator then you will heal every mafia player each night. You will always cause the mafia kill to be strongmanned during the night. If you are targeted by an activator you will revert back to your original form, and if you die your abilities won’t affect anyone anymore.

1 Mafia Activated Rolecop/Deactivated Mass Effect Rolecop-Each night you can check someone’s role. If you are targeted by an activator you will know everyone’s role and whether or not they are activated. You will also learn about any new updates to a players role regarding them becoming deactivated or activated. If you are targeted by an activator then you will revert back to your original form.


New setup idea easy

setup that I think people would join here that’s sort of competitive and everyone has a role

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this honestly seems fun

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By the way you won’t know if you are activated or deactivated unless your mafia

so, it’s balanced by the amount of power roles with the fact that choosing mafia screws a lot of people over and you don’t gain a lot of information for using your role

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Here’s a name
The Big Red Button


37 AM-min


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It’s worse :eyes:

you should see my desktop magnus