54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Sounds hawt not gonna lie

Literally just say every word.

thats why i proposed a guessing mechanic to the neut

You gonna have a bad time copy pasting dictionary with character limit

Or just copy paste wall posts other people made in games.

Stuff like that

Oh yeah, I should add something to the Neut. The guessing part would be much better than giving a single bomb immunity to the hammerer of their lynch or their killer which could only be the planter

Maybe a SK with 1-time bomb/night immunity and a bomb of their own.

Means maf can die from bomb too

Town don’t have KP in Watch Your Mouth!, so I don’t know how fair that would be to them if they have to lynch an extra person

However… maybe I can give one Town a one shot vigilante

I don’t have twitch prime, send me the link.

will do when home, at work currently

Dat, are you sure you want to co-host Watch Your Mouth 2? If so, I’ll set up a host chat and discuss possible new elements with you because I want a second opinion for any possible changes

I think im slowing down on joining games for abit, so I would be down, plus other than the neut, this is mostly a solid setup as is. So its easier to cohost. aka u did most of the hard part

Alright, I’ll create the host chat when I’m more free. I’m about to leave for class, so uh… it might take a bit

Doing mechanics, vote counts, EODs SODs. All ez. SO i would be down to help

I love that cookie thread is on the front page and latest, its so nice. Whoever did it, thank ya so much

I’ll spec so :3

@DatBird i’m waiting for the code smh

Im at work