54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@Icibalus do u have twitch prime? cause they have like a code for a free magic deck in arena, and if u dont i could shoot u that if u still play

I have been so sad recently. I have some health problems and they are really tough mentally. :pensive: I just try to keep working on myself and wat I care about because that’s the only time I feel happy. When I try to distract myself is when I get the most depressed.

@Wazza how dare you

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you single bro?

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I’m in the JoJo game if you want to play mafia with me join this match :grin:


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Hey there! V-sauce, Michael here. What if there was a sequel to Watch Your Mouth?

I’d be interested.

That was extremely fun. U should totally do it

If I’m going to do it again, I would probably make a new Neutral class so the game doesn’t get old

Maybe a class that needs to trigger a bomb in order to win

I’m in.

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Oooh I like it. Maybe make a clause if anyone can guess who they are they get a 1 time vest or vig if scum. That way he has to be covert about trying to trigger it

also squid what is ur pfp, they are so cheery looking

This is Ryōhei Seki, the Ultimate Police Officer. He’s from a Japanese fangan called Danganronpa The After and he’s my favorite character in the video series

Oof, too late.

wait theres videos, that interesting. I guess I gotta speed through them. I got to the first trial and stopped like two nights ago

Danganronpa The After is an obscure fangan, so I know why many people don’t know about it, especially since it’s in Japanese. Part of it is translated, but by the end of Chapter 1, I had to use my phone to translate everything. I still understand the story though and it’s really great. I highly recommend it

This is Dokusei, the Kinky. He’s [redacted]

This is Doppio he is ultimate telephone answerer

Look, Dokusei has changed for the greater good!.. He did become a robot, but hey, it’s much better than what he experienced the first time

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