54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I feel like mafia takes up much more of my time now then it did before

How tf do people manage to play games with actual stuff happening in life


Welcome to getting closer to adulthood.


Rip my video game addiction.

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they Usually arent top posters

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I don’t like it can I get a refund

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You will become boomer soon

That’s not how it works

Ok boomer

It has its perks too. :man_shrugging:

Like depression?

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Depression isn’t an adult thing. :thinking:

Its Perk of getting close to it

I still want a refund you aren’t going to convince me that this product is worth that amount of money

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Go to steam store

Okay then what?

Ask refund

Thanks, I’ll let try that

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They said that I played it for more then the amount of time they allow for you to refund it, what do I do?

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