54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Good ole day.

Good old days.


for if you’re curious what alignment you’d probably sort as and don’t trust my judgment

What’s your take on my alignment
I’m curious™

Every time I try to put you into a category it feels wrong

send help

Write down your logic
Then think about it in context

Is there a specific answer you’re looking for? :eyes:


solid question


of course I think I’m true neutral without a doubt but I’m really just interested to understand what other people think of me considering anonymity is wacky

Actual take:
this post
is the single most D&D-alignment-indicative thing you’ve ever written
and I have no idea what it indicates

U.S. Office-themed FM in creation process

probably a 21-25 player game with how things are going

ok u better include the chili pot, and that serial killer i forget his name… toby maybe

the scranton strangler

i wanna make flavor not AI but abil-indicative(like dangan) and so i wouldn’t just make toby the NK.

also i can make the chili a flavor for one of kevins abilities/passives

1p mafia game

But is the 1 player town or mafia

exactly, perfect way to make the mashes, but totes should just have the chillipot as a treestump classcard


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Is the 1 player town?

I think I’m chaotic good

Or actually even lawful good