54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean I might change my mind again

we’ll see

Priestess are you okay that comment was very weird do you have something to tell us

“I want die”
“Me too thanks”

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don’t do my boy sophocles dirty like that you know Ismene’s thing is a bit more complex than that

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Game Design

let’s all agree the summary of mythology is that someone dies

I’m a judge myself and I’d love this punishment.

So you like sitting on people, who break rules, skin’s?

this is my old commander deck that i used to want to build. Prob add in the domnica Karn as the 100th card (cause i was lucky enough to roll him)

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no the summary of mythology is everything is fucked up due to one of three causes

  • Zeus/Poseidon couldn’t keep it in his pants
  • Loki did a hillarious prank
  • snek did it
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ok who’s putting that in forum quotes

No. Like… Me being punished like that if I ever dare to corrupt myself.

  • Local man believes in God too much / not enough

So you would like to be skinned alive and then sat on?

Yes, that sounds very fitting.

“listen here you little bitch i appreciate the genuflection but could you kEEP IT DOWN”
lightning bolts

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Stab ur son lul
don’t do it it was just a prank bro

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Priestess is a masochist conformed

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mythohistory is fascinating for the primary reason that it’s weird as hell in terms of the actual plot but also because the history of the gods as their definitions changed and merged is fascinating
