54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

tbh this post’s tone is pretty wolfy, would vote litten for it

/vote Litten

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I like a sandwich
I like pizza
I would eat pizza over a sandwch if both were offered
but sandwiches are still great

It’s okay I’m a wolf :slight_smile:

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I’m a wolf so that’s alright

Firekitten is a thief

Wut post got delayed

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Merc I never said that

I was commenting on other people’s opinions on eating a sandwich or pizza

again, I’m getting upset that you keep not reading what I’m saying

anyway @Mercenary do you have MtGA, and do you wish to challenge me to a game of Brawl?


Like I don’t know whether or not you realize popularity concerns the majority not the minority and that success is how much people will play it and how much money he will make.

Even when I stated multiple times that they will both be good games

I only play presencially
sorry bud

stop for a moment
why did this discussion ever EXIST?

what are you guys trying to prove for eachother

…presencially? I’m not sure that’s a word

because I wanted to talk about how successful the next game will be

I only play irl because I want to build decks soon and to play commander with more than 2 people

i guess I need to suffer until I summon @Hippolytus again

I actually don’t see the entire point on predicting popularity unless you are making game merch or something
so this is more one of those discussions where no one reaches any point because the point of discussion has not happened yet


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Okay so don’t have a problem with it?

We just wanted to talk about it. We don’t need permission to talk about it from you.