54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

bet accepted then?

why are you being so picky
let the guy spend his time to make a good game in peace

that’s just literal gatekeeping

Why are you taking what I’m saying out as context

I literally said it won’t be as popular. I said it would be a good game, but it won’t be as popular.

Also, I don’t blame Toby for spending so long on Deltarune already, because there’s already a huge amount of polish in what’s been released currently.

As an example, at the beginning of the Dark World bit of the story, you reach the first Save point, and since you’re used to Save points in both Undertale and other RPGs, you just save your progress without looking, probably missing the important fact that Kris already had a save file there, and it’s replaced by the Vessel’s save file, which explains why Kris is ripping out “his own” soul at the end- that soul is really your soul, not his. This is evidenced by the fact that you can control the soul when it’s thrown into the cage at the end, meaning that it’s your soul, not his.

and why do it matter

Why are you offended about what I’m saying. Why does it matter to you that I’m saying this?

No one is saying we blame him. I’m saying that the game he spent more time on is probably going to be less successful then deltarune. I can be wrong, but in a way it’s similar to videos you tubers make that are a series. You don’t watch the 2nd episode and not the first, therefore the first one will always have more views then the second one.

this should be some fallacy I’m sure

details are hazy, obviously, but I think the main theme of Deltarune will be a struggle for control over the narrative itself- voices repeatedly tell you that your choices are irrelevant, but you’re also clearly controlling the actions of somebody else who dosen’t want you in there.

there are other points, like the fact that the voice who helps you create the Vessel is completley different to the voice who promptly makes that choice irrelevant. my bet is on one of those people being The Knight.

you know that’s false equivilances, right?
game sequels behave differently to videos on youtube

It isn’t.

You are mad at me for saying a game won’t be as successful. You then proceed to say why are you being picky.

But I never said that, I said it was going to be a great game. You are getting offended at me for saying it won’t be as successful. I don’t care how long he takes I’ll play it.

It depends on How much videos of that game get on yt

this discussion has no point at all. you can see that by how much it flipped between making more money - more popularity - being more polished because there isn’t a point being discussed.
it is just gatekeeping on two people desesperatedly trying to prove their game is “better”.

the fuck

we both agree that both the games are amazing

you are the one NOT READING

I never said that one of you said that one of the games was bad
don’t put words in my mouth


Firstly, a significant proportion of people who are interested in Undertale might be people who watched lets plays of it without playing it and thus didn’t bother buying the full experience, but Deltarune is new, and has already been tasted. A lot of people will want to finally experience what’s going on here.

Secondly, there are people who haven’t played the games who’ll find about Deltarune suddenly and will want to play it, because I imagine there’ll be an absolute hypestorm around the game when it releases in its’ entirity.

Finally, only someone who didn’t like Undertale wouldn’t want to play its’ sequel continuation thingy. Sure, that and other factors bleed off a few sales, but I think Litten is greatly underestimating the number of people who will be drawn in by Deltarune because they hear about it so much.

Merc I don’t know if you ever notice this but I get pissed off when I get falsely accused of something