54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Interesting theres this one setup that is kinda like this a while back. It was 4 minority teams and a town that had no chance. But only 1 minority team could win. I was the red wolves and won. I’d check it out if u want ideas for multi factions. That or VCFM

Well, I want multiple Uninformed Minorities.

The Teams leaders need to survive to win. If your team leader dies, you commit suicide. The Team Leaders have a 1 shot instakill bullet to kill anyone, which can’t be stopped.

Imma just take that idea


I’m a total sucker for this guy

wish he did more stuff

Yooo wish me luck on my SAT


gl gl glglg lgllglglglglgl

Wait, you’re in high school? I thought you were like 24.

Also good luck

You probably won’t see this until after it’s over but still

Where did you get that impression?

That’s a good question!

so, some of you may have been wondering:
what is the greatest musical ever produced?

The Stinky Cheese Man

behold true art


fun fact: a leitmotif from this is in Pokemon SwSh

I have no idea What you mean by that

this is going to be a r/iamverysmart moment if I’m not careful

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okay basically there’s a tune at the end of the song, and that exact same tune appears in the track that Toby added to the latest Pokemon game, which is a giant shitpost and I love it

What even is “Tobbuted”?



a typo