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What is time?

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Reply hazy, try again

mission failed, we’ll get em next time

sigh @Hippolytus what is the absract nature of time? Please present a multi-paragraph essay explaining the abstract transition of reality from one state to another and then, given this, explain when exactly you’re actually referring to when you say “this evening?”

There are 29483 replies with an estimated read time of 1966 minutes .

That means 96 deleted posts.

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Thats a lot


96 again

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this thread isn’t a discussion, it’s an experience

although I can’t be the only one to be worried that there’s a non-zero chance this is the only thing recovered of 21st century humanity


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Edit: Omg thanks for 55 likes!

“our studies of the humans in the before times have concluded that they felt very strongly about ‘hero shots’, ‘memes’, and the fact that they lived in a society. we have yet to figure out what these mean”

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“It seems that we have came across the remains of an advanced meme civilization”

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“PeePee PooPoo man”

”I feel embarrased for our ancestors”

“the appearances of these past humans is very strange indeed. A mix of animals, humans, and sketches of young japanese women”


“Yes, because young japanese women are not human”

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sketches of them are not

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