54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Try petting her


She has done the move headbutt

I choose you! Sulit use water gun!

imagine wanting to be immortal without an out

I gave her a kiss she got mad and got on my desk

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Suicide is a permanent solution to a permanent problem


Imagine being okay with the idea that everyone’s individual consciousness will be permanently erased a few decades after they come into existence

suicide when dying by other causes is a thing? bad

suicide when dying by other causes isnt a thing? worse

i said without an out. im fine with removing the natural life span cap but otherwise having people still be able to die, but thats not what immortality is, if your going by the traditional definition

(it is what immortality is by the technical definition, but most people go by immortality means being unable to die, but still able to feel pain)

plus imagine being like stuck permanently in a situation that would otherwise kill you quickly or instantly. like perpetually drowning, or being stuck in space.

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I think personally for me I’d rank my ordered preference for How The World Should Work as immortality-with-theoretical-outs > immortality-without-that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mandatory death

if pain were opt-out or semi opt-out that would probably be good on net?

People who want to live forever never tried living forever.

This is some deep stuff here.

Thank you guys for my life insight.

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id rather have mandatory death than no death at all, especially if there’s pain.
plus there’s the problem of space, but im going to assume that if we have the technology for immortality we have a way to deal with the space problem.

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Neither have people who don’t want to live forever

Ah but you have forgotten one of the important lessons in man kind

Never wish for something unless you know the consequences

I have a few years of experience with the consequences of being alive, and on reflection I prefer to continue doing so :upside_down_face:

Yeah and guess what

The people who don’t want immortality also use their experience as their reasoning

And none of us has been immortal yet

wow gosh it’s almost like when the predominant societal message is that death is ~natural~ and ~necessary~ and ~really not such a tragedy after all~ and that there’s no use fighting it, people will absorb said messages regardless of whether they’re true