54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

then you have to take into account the cost of the second/dollar/etc.

if we take the example of the scientist walking past the button, and they choose not to press the abort button because it’s inside a box that costs $100 to open, then they’re still at fault to more-or-less the same extent

Remember kids an anonymous 4chan user solved a complex math problem that math professors couldn’t solve because he wanted to know the quickest way to watch anime

what’s your cha mod

I rolled a 14 for CHA on the D&D quiz
So +2

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yes but thats muddy. to one person the amount might be alot, while to another it might be trivial. the ethics of the situation start to vary based on situation.
what if someone worked hard for years to get this one thing they’ve always wanted, and now they can finally get it, or they can waste all of the resources needed to save 50 people’s lives.
there is no right answer. it simply depends on the person

oh that’s high
marry me

I’m 17 and it’s illegal

I think this is the coolest thing ever btw

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is that the superpermutations thing?


it’s legal if I’m 16.99


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it really isn’t

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its legal in international waters

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imagine having to put anonymous 4 Chan user on your research paper




what if they just formatted it like a normal name, but it was anon mouse

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So what you are saying is that you are going to marry them when you are 18?

No, I was coming up with an efficient way to say no with reasoning to go along with it

Wtf you heartless monster