54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

well, for one, me, at 30k.
i forgot when discobot got it but im sure they did

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I can change the thread title

wow arete is from the future

and simon from the past


you forgot Luxy getting post 24816


riot successful

What does this mean

powers of 2

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It wasn’t successful. They weren’t moved back.

Now we just need to wait for pug to add (and other stuff) to the topic so we can have it moved back.

I’m honestly basically fine with them living here

My objection was to the threats to delete them outright

Firekitten they aren’t being moved back. Period.

I didn’t realise I could move them

But then you would have moved on topic posts

You aren’t doing yourself any favours here

Council of idiots somehow survived months this is like nothing compared to that

The quotes thread is effectively the forum museum at this point. If pug were to change it, it would lose its status entirely.

It wouldn’t, because people would still place quotes there

Yeah ruin a thread so you get an ego boost what an important cause

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If you are thinking I’m doing this for my ego you are wrong, I’m doing this because I was pissed off with the fact that you wanted to delete them, then you moved it when there was no reason to move them in the first place especially since the OP would have wanted it

Anyways @Pug requesting you don’t change the original purpose of the forum quotes thread so it remains a museum of the forums. Obviously we can’t stop you as it is your thread but we would really like it to remain given its importance to the community.

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