It wouldn’t change its importance, you are saying that just cuz you don’t want to move them back
I only threatened to delete because i didn’t know I could move posts before then
oh wow hurtful words
it’s almost like how we felt when we wanted you to NOT do something and you did it anyway
You’re acting like im power tripping because i moved a couple of posts to a different thread which is a part of my job as a moderator
What you want does not abide by the forum rules!
That can easily be fixed by asking the original poster instead of changing the posts to another thread
It is fixed
You know what makes me even more mad is that you think I shouldn’t actually have a reason to be mad, and that I’m doing this to spite you
I’m doing this because you pissed me off
Like its not like you’re gonna get a bigger penis by doing this so why are you doing this?
Ooo arguing with rules is so fun not like the owner of the forums literally proved you wrong
Could be phrased better meant it as I meant to do it to actually change sometning instead of actually spiting you
I’m just doing what I’m told to do
You act like I don’t want people to have fun or something
I’m not doing this for fun, stop acting like that is my objective
Well it seems like that because it the discussion already happened why does it matter to you what thread it happens in? It literally a thread.
The only thing I see is ‘oh im firekitten and I beat the big scary moderator haha look how cool I am’
Its not like I was the first to do this. Marl has purged that thread b4
People scrolling through that thread looking for funny moments dont to be wacked in the face by a 200 post philosophy class
Make a philosophy thread if you want to do that
my cat just bit off my big toe
im in extreme pain
Thank you Marshal, very cool!
I should go to the hospital.