54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I was thinking anti monopoly. That’s a actual board game

my skillset includes:

  • being able to talk sorta-confidently on a given topic despite not being given much information

  • being absolutely terrible at explaining anything in any subject where i dont know a whole boatload

  • weird trivia

is that the version where you start with double money, but instead of buying property its you just lose money each time you land on it, and the goal is to go for as long as possible?

every time you loop around the board it should increase in price

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distribute all cash in the bank evenly among players
use 5 dice to roll, use yahtzee rules to roll
once the first dice are rolled. If you get up from your seat you are bankrupt and divy up your cash to the other players
except for these rules anything goes as long as it follows the NAP


That’s a balance of endurance. Sign me up

we start at midnight

Its 1 am

I fear no man
But that thing
It scares me


as i said we start at midnight
getting in my car
where do you live

gas gas gas

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New Jwersey were everyone talks with their hands

so basically, for a class I took on the Italian Renaissance last year (@mods this is history not religion please no ban) we spent 2 weeks LARPing an alternate version of the papal election of 1492 (for the record this was actually a really good pedagogical tool)

My character was Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini, who in the real world would later become Pope Pius III (@mods this is all history). He was moderately unusual in being both a late-15th-century cardinal and a sort of decent person who actually, like, cared about anything remotely resembling being a decent person

uh I have Many thoughts on this and I’m not sure what specifically you want to hear thoughts about

I spent like half the simulation being like ‘but what if we didn’t have dumb pointless wars’ and having everyone else go ‘but we wanna have dumb pointless wars’

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shit i was born there fun fact

thought you lived in philly

i thought about you twice while watching it’s always sunny in philadelphia

wait you can’t talk about religion on forums?


suck my dick

i have an uncle who lives in new jersey.

never talked to him once.

no regrets

can we talk about how monopoly is one of the staple board games, despite it originally (and it still does kinda) being designed as a commentary on capitalist economies not being good, and the meta-capitalism involved with that

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I live 3 minutes from the Delaware river. 15 minutes from the bridge to Philly. I go to Drexel in philly. And live in NJ.

It’s not religion it’s history

It’s no different from discussing Julius Caesar on the forums