54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

have you tried communopoly, the dumbest game of all time

yes comrade

monopoly for millenials

I have read the rules and picked to play catan instead

crackapoly is an ancaps wet dream minus little kids

my conversation skillset is

  • hello yes school sure is a thing
  • infodumping about an alternate universe version of the Papal Election of 1492
  • apologizing for being bad at conversations

Hey Thats me

My conversations include

Video games
Any recent tea
And stupid self deprecating humor to make other smile cause making other people happy is like my main goal

tell me more about that second one

bounce bounce

how much do you want to know

i need to learn as lmao dropout

well in that case you might want less ‘alternate universe’ so I’ll try not to get them mixed up :eyes:

how to play

2 boards required

One is the capitalist board and one is the communist board
Capitalist board plays like normal monopoly EXCEPT railroads / jail send you to the communist board (deportation)

Communist board:

all spaces are owned by the bank
if you land on a space, you must pay that value of rent to all other players on the communist board (including yourself) equally.
getting sent to jail on communist board literally kills you


getting sent to jail means you put your peice in the freezer

Maybe I was thinking of a different spinoff then

This game was made when I was deadass tired and had listened to Rasputin on loop for more than 3 times


can i explain crackapoly now


ra ra rasputin

lover of the russian queen

there was a cat that really was gone

> be rasputin
> want to die
> drink poison
> feel fine
> fuck.jpg
> shoot yourself
> misfire
> fuck.jpg

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