54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

weak. i would eat that

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Mustache on pizza?


ok boomer

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That’s just eating a pizza with a moustache. Ur bound to get some on there

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It was the sugar that really got to me
I put on like 6 whole packs so the surface was mostly sugar

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Whats that

Ew. RIP taste buds

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have any of your friends snorted literal dirt?

that’s were you bend the rules and try to concentrate the sugar in one place to take the bite
i have strats

i’ve snorted white dirt /s

Ok coomer

ok cucumber

Ok geyde

Ok thermoomiter

Epithet Erased.
new cartoon show being (produced? created? idk) by Jello Apocalypse, the Youtube channel that made the Welcome To [social media] and makes the So This Is Basically series

1st 3 episodes are up on youtube so far

i showed my freinds how to do unspeakable things to smarties.

crush them up enough and they are snort/smoke matierial.

they had to hand out suspensions(well, one, but still) at my middle school for kids smoking smarties(which i started at my school oop)

Is it good


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