54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

why are you like this


remember the vid he posted on election day 18
that was peak cringe

Ok gnight yall. I needs the sleeps

I mean I respect
but why

should i smoke smarties right now

but tbf my standards are kinda low for this stuff, so :man_shrugging:
its much better than most of the stuff CN puts out these days so theres that

i have some somewhere

the dating sim thing, where it was written like a bad fanfic?


From 1 to 10 How cringe I am

what on earth is smoking smarties like

youd have to bang them against a surface

and that’s loud.

and your parents are probably asleep


they’ve here weirder shit

actually not bad.

it’s like really fine powder and you can blow it out like actual smoke.

so it’s like you coat the inside of your mouth with pure sugar and blow the rest out like you are smoking

I’m asking not because I want to know but because the people want to know

I failed at My job

plus i’m paying a lot of the bills
if i wanna smoke smarties at 1 am im fucking smoking smarties at 1 am

what’s the weirder shit

a car spinning out and hitting a brick house