54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hjas is a pro fortnite player she carried me 1000 times before

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I could
Maybe sometime in Februrary

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you get less lag when you play with hjas because she is that much of a pro

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I’ll probably be playing at 300 lol

you get 10000000000000000000 less lag

so you can play on a toaster if you want

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The Toaster does not support Fortnite.

ill send you my pro toaster that can run any game

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fun fact i think i actually have a reason for using light theme that y’all wont hate me for

white text on a dark background always looks weird to me, and even hurts my eyes sometimes.
and this isn’t me just overexaggerating, the text always looks a bit blurry unless i open my eyes fully, in which case it just looks like too much (cannot explain it better) and starts to hurt a little bit if i keep it that way

This condition has a name but I don’t remember it

did you seriously homebrew a joke pathfinder cantrip

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It’s astigmatism
Mine isnt too bad, so I don’t need glasses even for driving, but it still has an effect, namely on bright things surrounded by relative dark
Which means text, stop lights at night, the moon, that stuff

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I sorta always knew the last two were part of it, ever since I learned about it, but the main part is a new Revelation.
Heard about it from my sister who also has some astigmatism (although she has some other eye problems as well but that’s besides the point)
Apparently for her it also manifests as taking a long time for her eyes to adjust to the dark and hurting a bit when it next got bright (probably more than normal, but idk because this never really happens to me at all)
But neither of these have notably manifested

what are you gonna do when you wake up in the morning and check forums

Nothing because bright light in general doesn’t really hurt my eyes at all

For some reason


do you feel anything when you wake up after sleeping in a dark room and turn on the lights

No. Don’t even squint