54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Wait, how long has Eevee been Intergalactic Gluten-Free Vegan Vegatable Destroyer of Infinite Fury and how come I only noticed just now?

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He only allowed our mortal souls to do it now

@Jeremy_Gonzalez say it here

I would think that I would choose the red ball, it has a very bright a fragrant color, really rich and has a lot of contrast, I would love to pelt someone with the most delicate, awesome, colored ball on earth.

wow very touching words

you inspired me to be a rapper




I’m definitely failing my exam tomorrow.

because ur a noob lmao

Because your a noob lmao

jk good luck

What subject?

Jk good luck

there are two types of people


Like networks and stuff.

Also ergonomics.

Probably other stuff too.

I’m on computer hesn iPad so I think it auto corrects

Welp, good luck

no u