54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I have found the best Discourse theme

Better than light theme

Purer than dark theme

Screenshot 2019-12-21 at 12.35.06 PM


Petition to add this theme to the ToL forums

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Such a void. Magnificent.

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arete what’s ur role on your FTC team?

I’m a sophomore in college Marshal

but when I was in high school I was mostly a programmer, although I also had other roles such as ‘updating the engineering notebook with what we programmers had done,’ ‘ghostwriting the engineering notebook sections of the build-y people,’ and ‘asking the build-y people to plEASE WRITE AN ENGINEERING NOTEBOOK ENTRY YOU HAVEN’T DONE IT IN FIVE WEEKS THIS ISN’T HARD’

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hehe that’s my job

also backup CAD and lead pit/making our robot look sexy design

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to be clear this is like ‘writing an entry summarizing my understanding of what happened’ not ‘letting them plagiarize my writing and lying about it, because that’s Not Allowed’

What’s the stupidest actually-useful feature of your robot?

well i convinced my freind to 3d print the word daddy into our claw this year.

our opposition got a part of their robot stuck in it and a major penalty so we won.

so i’d say that

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now the ruling was really unfair in our favor.
but i do not complain

the “daddy” claw was the backup too because they reprinted the print without the word because nobody wanted daddy on their claw

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Words cannot describe how dissapointed I am that you of all people posted the phrase “Nobody wanted daddy on their claw.” Do not give DeviantArt any more ideas.


We had LED lights that we could change the color of depending on whether we were red or blue

The switch that controlled the lights also determined which version of our autonomous we ran

you would not think that running the correct version would be difficult but given the sheer number of teams who had difficulty I’m confident it increased our reliability

how far are you through it?

I’m about halfway through Hivebent, although I already am spoiled on enough things that I know things are going to get a lot more confusing. And don’t ask how I became Tavros. It’s a long story.

Actually it isn’t, but I don’t want anybody to have to be reminded about the Smalltown Homestuck game where every player had a post restriction that forced them to imitate one of the trolls. If I remember rightly, everybody was extremely jealous of Karkat, and pretty much nobody bothered reading Sollux’s posts.

The worst part is that I wasn’t Tavros, I was Kanaya. Which shouldn’t have been as annoying as it was, but you’d be surprised how exasperating capitalising every single word is. I do remember that Tavros suffered that game, though. No change there, then.

Wait a minute, Geyde was Karkat. I’m very irritated that I set myself the task of doing Rose’s text gimmick of being readable, because this means I can’t swear. Thanks, me.

I must embark on a quest to find the mythical Priestess irl

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Mr. Luxy, if that is your real name, would you like to try the beta for a new game I just downloaded called Sburb™?