54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Goodness, the more I reference Homestuck the more I feel the need to design a Homestuck Mash. But how to do such a thing without relying on spoilers? And how to do it so it won’t become so overcomplicated that it’s unplayable?


I swear nothing bad will happen to you if you play this game. Seriously. Absolutely nobody has ever died playing this game. Nobody. None.

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I can’t believe you would imply that Luxy is lying about his name

Obviously his first name actually is Luxy, just like mine is Arete or yours is Icibalus or Priestess’s is Priestess


She’s actually unusual in that she’s posted her full name on the forum (Priestess Of Law)

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i wish mine was marshal

that’s a cooler name than what i have

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Don’t mind me as I carefully sweep up every single character who died when MeGaLoVaNiA started playing. (I haven’t broken my promise, because that’s the proper way to capitalise the Homestuck version of that song).

Just get a legal name change, a process which as we all know is extremely easy and involves no complicated steps.

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[S] Wake was one of the more lenient flashes in terms of killing characters, to be honest, but I have to reference The Song ™.

I’m totally glad for not being Mercenary

bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce

I got into the Florentine political thought class that I wanted to take

admittedly this now means that I’m not in a section of a class I need to graduate, but I’m hopeful I can switch into a different section

You won’t be able to find me. I made sure.

i found you

but you’re my mother so i lived with you :eyes:


I found a way to cure anything


just use spoiler stuff and tell people it’s fake since most of it is ridiculousl enough for that to work
or just use stuff from problem sleuth

Dear, sweet, precious–

Homestuck Spoilers

I don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s not like Sollux dies and is brought back to life five times or anything.

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Cheater :stuck_out_tongue:

I am named after a vehicle kappa
Not like it does much to me.

Oh hi Ford

Behold, mortals. I have discovered the biggest Gamer™ to ever have played Hearthstone. He is a Rogue player, and he plays every single rogue archetype at once.

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