54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’ve gone fucking insane planning this out

I could literally just play anything else, but I spent an all nighter learning how to do this

And it still gets ruined by save or suck spells that target will

Can someone share in my pain


This god forsaken prestige class is beyond terrible

You don’t even get great payoff


I think I’m lucid


I don’t know what in this can turn me from zero to eleven so fast
I normally just look to have fun, right?

No, probably too generous

I care too much

And I should instead be diverting all that focus and ambition to important things

Problem solved

I need sleep but I shouldn’t

Yes but no. Two of my friends built and played Dragon Disciplers. There are a few ways to cover that weakness in willsaves.


There are definitely ways since they don’t naturally have poor will saves
It’s making up for the 3/4 BAB and 3/4 Spellcaster progression that’s difficult

It wants to be in both worlds but isn’t extremely competent in either

And if you wanted a battle caster Magus has more X factors (shocking grasp)

And if you don’t build for either there’s no point in going there in the first place

@discobot fortune

Can you remove my Christmas hat??


:crystal_ball: Very doubtful