54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

this post makes no sense

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however, as i said before, lube solves all of america’s problems.

so if this problem is in america.

i suggest lube.

you’re not wrong

approximately speaking

I don’t think that would help but this made me laugh

it can solve all of america’s problems. Ya just have to be creative.

This was sacred advice i learned in the 3rd grade and it has saved me

pretend I uploaded the giant eyes image

my life is people giving :eyes: to what i say.

it’s a balance

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im worried


If ya need to vent I’m always here to listen


come to britain, here all problems are solved through pointless sarcasm


this is a joke what this country actually does is we don’t solve our own problems and instead steal everybody else’s solutions and then put their solutions in a museum. hence the lube exhibit at the british museum.


Damn we don’t even have an international museum

guess who took it?

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sounds perfect


I’m too lazy to change my new Christmas hat picture.


I’ve gone nuts

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Trying to make Dragon Disciple work has left me scarred and deformed

That shit literally doesn’t work no matter how much I lab and research

The best I came up with was a hybrid build with a gigantic weakness in a horrible will save

Insane coverage
Abilities up the wazoo
Top tier early game with solid scaling

You need:
No negative modifiers. All numbers are important. Ideally your stats should look like 16±14±12±10±10±14+ or something similar
A DM allowing triple dip


Angel Touched Aasimar
L3 Crossblooded BloodRager (Aberrant/Draconic), L2 Crossblooded Sorcerer (Arcane/Draconic)

20 STR
16 DEX
14 CON
10 INT
11 WIS
16 CHA

Feats: (not refined)
Power Attack (l1)
Improved Natural Attack (l3)
Dodge (l5)

+1 will
ACP reduction 1


Draconic l1 power (claws)

Arcane l1 power (bonded weapon [Greatsword])

Next powers are at l4/l3 respectively
DD has double dip when leveling

So at l1 for DD I get ahead of the curve in terms of powers and can gain a shit ton of natural AC (by level 14 p sure I have +6 from that alone), 24 Strength, and a good mix of attack and defense capabilities

Aberrant gives +5 reach which is insane for control builds
Arcane makes up for Crossblooded Sorc downside by allowing a free cast of a

Draconic Sorc has shit powers while the Draconic Rager has good ones