54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

plant based diseases exist

That sounds like something that depends on various factors, such as how it spreads, whether there are treatments (even if not cures), etc.

This is a fantastic illustration of the problem with optimizing for a single variable

i’m actually tempted to make a thread of this
it might be fun to see people’s take on it

not just the men, the women, and the children, but all life as well

thanos snapping is actually a valid solution
reduced population density means it’s harder for diseases to spread rapidly

alternatively thanos could just yeet the disease

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I mean

Killing everyone does have the bonus of not having any people, which reduces climate change

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And unemployment
And homelessness

i’ve played enough plague inc to know that the best way to beat diseases is everyone living in greenland


And homicides
And crime in general

greenland has closed their ports

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i disagree

after the thanos snap you know ya boy be lootin the fuck out of everywhere

Did you intend to reference fortnite, or nah

On second thought possibly this is a fantastic example of trying to minimize a total value, rather than (a) minimizing an average value or (b) trying to maximize a value

see also negative utilitarianism (no offense to any negative utilitarians intended)

i would never do that to myself or others

Sounds dope

Hygiene is the solution for any contagious disease
Like for real, how many people of us are washing their hands each time when they come back to home