54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

And whatsl does it mean

Free rewards that we get that others will not get kappa



Hmm… It’s almost 2020 kappa.

8 hours and 26 more minutes for me.

An hour and 25 mins here.

It’s funny how time passes in a blink of an eye

okay, new years eve is the peffect chance to get in some hits in my VAST CAMPAIGN OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE against my father

any suggestions?

You must assert dominance over the couch in the living room by holding tightly onto the tv remote.

Move some furniture a couple inches to the left or the right.

Holy shit thats evil

I cant think of any

Good civ

see, i’ve thought of that
my difficulty is what furniture would affect him the most
because our house has a fairly communal approach to furniture

Couches or chairs would probably be most effective?

see, my father dosen’t pay attention to furniture that much
in order to destroy him my goal is to just really really confuse him

Set all the clocks back by a few minutes. Troll your entire family. And yourself once you inevitably forget about it.

is your father into epic pranks


I am secretly his father, so yes.

he’s too observant for that