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Video games like fortnite?

Fortnite is a capitalism problem, tbh

That’s why we go anprim

the problem with fortnite isn’t the actual game itself per se. I personally don’t enjoy it, but that’s subjective. the problem with fortnite has always been the rampant commercialism surrounding every aspect of the UI, and how its’ nightmare mess of manufactured discontent creates a negative, and, to use a professional philosophical term, cringe culture.

Cringe culture is the only good part that comes from it

there’s sufficent proof at this point that the reason why Fortnite is so hated is because Epic Games’ business model is so devoid of morality and so comprehensive in its’ manipulation of its’ user’s wallets that it was bound to generate an entourage of annoying youtubers herding younger kids through rampant displays of meaningless wealth.

i’d explain further, I do love to rant about fortnite, but alas I must away to homeworkland.

my relationship with late capitalism’s dark marketing is one marked by both disgust and sheer admiration of the lengths people will go to in order to extract money out of unthinking customers.

Then explain minecraft

I’m very deontological and antiutilitaristic

Minecraft was made by my favourite author/game developer Hatsune Miku, and as such has absolutely no flaws whatsoever.


You should definitely then read about Pragmaticism, you’ll hate it :upside_down_face:

Sorry but

Just follow Pastafafarianism.

My Kant level was not lying even on ToS

I don’t think Kant accounted for the existence of the Soviet Union when he created the categorical imperative tbh

I love the truth, and I would die for it
But in such an extent that I would even lie to serve the truth

I mean it had same amount of hate not long ago and if I remember right it didn’t eat wallets

Thanks I’m stealing this for a rp character

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Miku Hatsune*

Hey guys so question

Do you believe in America