54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

wait ur making videos now. Guess I gotta pay 5 a month

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@Arete please explain this


arete must’ve really liked your posts

hey marshal are you at a pc

No, he is the PC.


do you wanna play a shitty weeb game for shits and gigs

i refuse any and all weeb games so *NO

but still tell me more…

its like a mmorpg thingie
it actually looks good

does it cost money

its free real estate

eh fuck it why not

whats it called


im “convincing” squid to play as well

it’s windows only and i don’t have windows

sry nerd

wow sucks to be you

just use WINE

oh can you get it with wine?

that’s how i got cuphead so i’ll give it a shot.

think so

i dont think it is on wine

just delete macOS and install windows 4head