54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i mean the main FRC-focused community wasn’t a fan of forum mafia.

and there was a few instances of site-rulebreaking and the mods getting irritatied at FM in general

so they shut it down.

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whats chief delphi

Another site

primarily a robotics site but their FM community was pretty cool

hard rip

they deleted the game thread what the fuck

quick question does anyone know how to efficiently save an offline record of threads on Discourse if they might be deleted (not for this forum, for another one)

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i feel like as a user that wouldn’t really be possible


It’s a major shitstorm to say the least

they shut it down mid game?



and then deleted the game thread and I don’t know if they’re going to do it to other threads and I don’t want to lose them


they must really hate you FM players :newspaper2:

are riots being thrown


We are pissed off.

But keeping it GP

Most of the community is like “fuck forum mafia they all suck and ruin our site” and the mods share the sentiment

So it’s an uphill batttle

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We were gonna continue game somewhere else

And then they straight up deleted the thread.

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Literally all the work that went into that setup gone

Invite them here

The CD people?

Or so you mean the host

Cause the host was orangeandblack

Finally my laziness has worn out and I changed my pfp

(Although this new one feels weird and I kinda want to change it back to my old one)

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The players

Some of them were in the Cop13er


I’m on this site for 1 reason and [REDACTED]