54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Really? For [REDACTED] of all things? I would’ve expected [DATA EXPUNGED], judging by your likening to making turbos and such games.

I see why people don’t like to play FM themselves, but how did it come to a community which hates FM? Was it disruptive? Did the FM match break the forum rules?

im not really too big a fan of traditional fm but the way i like to play i enjoy. its always a new puzzle, a new challenge in getting the information before anyone else

Oh God such a bad first impression of myself there

FM broke the forums rules multiple times there

in two hours my uni will divulgate the results if I passed or not

Ah okay. Yeah then its completely understandable.

What was that rule

Idk probably offense

We didn’t break any rules besides “no cursing” which we ended up fixing anyways

It was just most of the community disliked FM and petitioned to ruin it.

I think there were people who would look for things to flag all day to get us out

There was a troll in game but orange dealt with him before he broke any rules

Why are there snowflakes?
Why are there snowflakes?!

Why are there snowflakes?!


That’s factually incorrect

Thats factually My line

Welcome to post algebra, bitch.

Take time to gather your thoughts, respect others’ opinions, and post thoughtful content. The forums should not be used for real-time, back and forth, instant messaging style conversations whenever possible. This includes fast-paced game threads that are not related to FIRST Robotics or robotics in general. Games that post at a pace that moderators or non-players can not follow along are not permitted. Games where the Discourse-estimated reading time grows by more than 15 minutes per day are likely to run afoul of this rule.

oh my god
oh my fucking god
breaks down into hysterical laughter


this new rule
this new fucking rule
this is so stupid


What’s that like 15 paragraphs lol. Guess u have to be very slow to reply but not drawn out with ur messages

i don’t like gossiping about other forums, but a lot of the chief delphi FM players will start playing here i guess. but this GOD DAMNED RULE

Does that mean orange is coming back here. Or will he go elsewhere again